Urgent need for ‘immediate’ solutions to combat drug-resistant infections, warns WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) raises urgent warning about the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
The World Health Organization (WHO) raises urgent warning about the threat of antimicrobial resistance.
Inequalities in education must be tackled, as they make poverty inescapable.
Gender-based violence statistics are shocking and urgent efforts are needed to put an end to this femicide.
The impact of the climate crisis is stretching throughout societies across the globe. It’s time we took the urgent need to switch to renewable energy seriously.
Our planet is seriously heating up and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are to blame.
The UN is committed to doing more to confront child abuse, highlighting the hidden extent of this problem, through INSPIRE initiative.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) take centre stage as the President of the UN General Assembly announces what should be our future priorities.
As it’s been 10 years since the horrifying Haiti earthquake, the UN-Secretary General pays his respects and pledges continued support for Haiti.
UN Secretary-General appeals for peace amdist extreme tensions between America and Iran.
Children are facing the devastating consequences of war and unrest in Syria, urging UNICEF to wish for peace this year (2020).