Moving investment to finance the SDGs

At the UN's General Assembly, Business Reporter's Tom Turnbull hosts a debate on the funding needs of sustainability projects.

Business Reporter’s Head of Publishing Tom Turnbull hosts a panel on how important it is that sustainability projects need adequate funding if they are to succeed.

Guests on the panel are Neville Crawley, CEO of Kiva and Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer of Aviva.

The challenge is a huge one. As Steve Waygood points out, the annual requirement is for twelve times the combined amount of funding that went into the Marshall Plan after WW2 and the Apollo Space Program.

But while this is an enormous investment, it is very much a feasible one. Insurance companies like Aviva and crowd sourcing platforms like Kiva a leading the way in achieving this.

As well as encouraging new and alternative investment platforms, one of the requirements is to challenge myths about sustainable development projects. For instance, as Neville Crawley explains, non-standard borrowers such as refugees or villagers in developing countries are just as safe for lenders as are more usual borrowers such as corporates in the developed world.

This event took place on the side of the High-Level week of the 74th session of United Nations General Assembly on 26 September 2019.




A clear line of sight

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